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When is Derby?This year's derby is August 17, 2024, it is traditionally held the 3rd Saturday in August. 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Where is Derby?Mt. Tabor Park, Portland OR SE 60th Ave &, SE Salmon St, Portland, OR 97215
How does Derby help the community and Mt. Tabor?At PASD we pride ourselves on helping to fuel the community with a fun and wacky day while giving an outlet for building, engineering and art. Our efforts to rebuild the old 50's youth soapbox derby track is ongoing. We strive to build a community of art and science for generations to come. Every year a dedicated bunch of volunteers rally to do a large brush clean up on Mt. Tabor. This provides both safe and comfortable viewing areas for our spectators while simultaneously providing Mt. Tabor a massive grooming. After thousands of spectators attend our race each year a dedicated group of volunteers clean and pick up litter with a fine tooth comb. We are dedicated to leaving the mountain cleaner then we found it.
How much does it cost to attend?Our event is free, however donations are much needed and appreciated. PDX Adult Soapbox Derby runs primarily on sponsorships from our community. Help us keep derby the best free Portland event and running for many years to come!! Please visit the main page and hit the donate button to contribute any amount.
How does PASD support itself?We rely on donations and sponsorship from the community. It costs roughly 50k to run the race.
Where do I park?The mountain will be closed to through traffic. Handicap parking is available at the Visitor Center enter from Belmont & SE 69th. General entrances SE 72nd on the east, SE Belmont on the north, SE Salmon St. on the west, and SE Division on the south. Please consider, walking, biking, taking a bus. cab, Lyft or uber or any ride share options. Parking is limited in the neighborhoods surrounding the park.
Are dogs allowed?Dogs are not allowed but tolerated since it is a public park. Please help us keep spectators and racers safe and leave your dogs at home.
Where is the best viewing spot?Mid-Mountain (Blood Alley) is the largest and best viewing spot. Here you will find food and beverage concession stands and grassy hills to lay out blankets and chairs to spend the day. At the top is "The Pits" where you can see each gravity racer up close and meet the teams along with the "Starting Line". Visit the bottom of the track to take in exciting photo finishes!
Is Derby family friendly?Yes, it is family friendly, however it is a dangerous race with volunteers directing you when to "Clear the Track"! Please pay close attention and be mindful of the Course Marshall's and the Flaggers directions. Keep an eye open as man made cars malfunction and often crash. We like to use the term "Keep your kids on a short leash and leave your dogs at home!" Please keep 1at least 10 ft. back from the track during races. When moving up or down the track move quickly as we will clear the track every 3 minutes for the next race. Please also keep in mind that as an adult race there may be more adult themed cars and colorful language.
Is this race dangerous?Yes! However, as long as you never turn your back from the ocean you will have a fun safe day viewing this years soapbox derby. It is vital you respect and listen to the track volunteers direction. When it is time to clear the track move quickly away from the track and find a safe place to spectate.
How fast do cars go?Man made gravity soapbox cars can go as fast as 50 MPH.
Who holds the track record?Track record was set in 2016 by Justin James, Team Rusty Rocket, at 71.10 seconds.
How many cars race?Each year 42 teams build Art & Science cars for our gravity race.
How many volunteers does it take to run PASD?Year round there are a dedicated few organizers putting in countless hours on their spare time including Five Board Members and on the day of the race up to 200 Volunteers. If you want to volunteer, please contact
Can I take Photos & Video?Yes. You are welcome to take photographs and video however keep in mind some soapbox racers spray water and you might get wet.
Can I fly a drone?No. There are strict regulations against flying drones on Mt. Tabor.
Is there Food & Beverage available?Yes. We have Food & Beverage Vendors mainly located at Mid-mountain aka "Blood Alley" and in "The Pits". You are also welcome to bring a picnic and a six pack of beer. No hard alcohol is allowed in city parks.
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